Marek Berger (1987) is a trained animator and filmmaker who has recently been mainly devoted to drawing film storyboards and developing his own work. Studying animation at FAMU ended with the cartoon Pérák: Stín nad Prahou (2016) and works as an author on the animated online series Legendy staré Prahy (2013-2015). In the following years, he moved from animation to creating film storyboards, especially for full-length animated films (Moje slunce Mad, Cesta do Tvojzemí, Pyšná princezna). He published comics in the anthologies Aargh!, XRXmag and Žižkovské listy, as well as at the Amnesty International – Živé knihovny exhibitions, the Czech-German Faust symposium (Galerie Klenová) and the LUSTR illustration festival. In the fall, he finished the author’s comic novel Octobriana, which was published by the Labyrint publishing house. Filmography and selection of work: Pérák: Stín nad Prahou (2016), Legendy Staré Prahy (2013), Úlovek (2011), Starless (2010), Nokturno (2009), Snowblood (2008).
Exhibits within: Sympozium Broumov